Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sacred Journey

I read two sentences this morning which touched something deep inside me:

"A mother's prayer for her child is the most powerful prayer in the universe"


"No matter how it appears, we are each on a personal and sacred journey. Accept it and allow it to continue".

Blogging is a wonderful way to write and to document our family's journey. Why then, do I have such a hard time coming to my blog and making an offering of my words.

I say I need time. I need quiet. I need to concentrate. But the truth is I am afraid. I am afraid I will not write honestly. Or I am afraid I will write in a painfully honest manner and it will make someone uncomfortable. It's easier to be silent.

Yet I learn so much from other people's blogs. It's selfish to enjoy all their thoughts, ideas, and stories, while keeping mine to myself.

Blogging is like being thirteen and writing in your diary every night and giving the key to your little brother. Maybe there will be ridicule, but in the long run, someone who never expected to see your soul might surprise you with the tenderness they show.


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